Advancing to brutal bones

The meatball grew bigger and bigger under the nourishment of the blood and Qi. It connected with the blood vessels and in a short time, a new heart was formed in Lu Chen's chest.

The newly born second heart was slightly smaller than Lu Chen's main heart, but Lu Chen felt that it could still continue to grow. At the same time, when the second heart was formed, Lu Chen could already feel that the upper limit of his vitality had increased again.

[ system message: host has built a second heart. Your vitality limit has increased by 100 points. ]

[ system message: the host has built a second heart. The heart is no longer a vital point. The host will only die if both hearts are broken at the same time. ]

The second heart's effect was very simple, it only increased vitality. However, it was still shocking to Lu Chen that it increased his vitality by 100 even though it was only a basic level.