Chapter 265 grand banquet

Red butterfly Ji was in fear while Lu Chen felt the strong blood essence in his body and he was happy.

"Don't worry, the sudden increase in my height is caused by the change in my bloodline. I'm fine, I feel good instead."

"Who asked if you're alright? I'm worried about myself!"

Red butterfly Ji was roaring in her heart. Of course, she didn't dare to say this out loud. She could only worriedly say, " "My Lord husband, can you make it smaller?"

Unfortunately, Lu Chen's words stopped her from thinking further.

smaller? why do you want to be smaller? only this kind of body has strength.

With that in mind, Lu Chen didn't bother with red butterfly Ji anymore. He moved his body and made a few poses to show his strength. He was satisfied with the abundant qi and blood. Then, he looked at his attribute pane.

There, the other attributes did not change much, but there was a skill that was shining with a seven-colored light.

And this skill was-feast.