The Dragon-hunting swordspear

As a swordsman, the sword was the Second Life of a martial artist. Therefore, when he heard that the weapon was ready, Lu Chen Ran as fast as he could.

With the help of the strong wind, Lu Chen soon arrived at the volcanoes in the smithing Department.

After entering the room, Lu Chen saw the Masters who forged weapons for him sitting on the ground in exhaustion. Their eyes were also bloodshot.

Clearly, they had been working tirelessly for Lu Chen's weapon during the past few days and this touched Lu Chen's heart.

"Everyone, thank you."

Lu Chen's words were sincere. Although the Masters were exhausted, they were still in high spirits after completing a good piece of work. When they heard Lu Chen's sincere gratitude, the Masters laughed. Master hammer, who was the leader, said, "

"Your Highness, you're welcome. As you said, we're all doing this for the Barbarian race."