Achievement achieved: Can not look directly at God

Lu Chen had a lot of blood and his blood vessels were tough enough to make his blood flow faster. Therefore, Lu Chen's blood flow was so fast that it was making a splashing sound.

However, the divinity was even more terrifying. It was like a bottomless abyss. Lu Chen felt that no matter how much qi and blood he injected into it, he couldn't shake the divinity at all.

This was exactly what happened. He injected a large amount of qi and blood into the divinity crystal, but it didn't even light up. With the help of the soul Fragments that were fused into the divinity crystal, Lu Chen soon got some information.

"The vitality quality is too low. Is this vitality not enough? However, it's fine as long as you know it's not enough and not completely unable to activate it. "

With that thought in mind, Lu Chen shouted and his body expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye. Soon, an eight-meter giant appeared under the totem pillar.