Who is the BOSS!?

desert territory. If you want to affect me, it's better to get your father to come.

A high Constitution meant that there was nothing to fear. The vitality effect was simple, but it could resist all negative effects, and water loss was one of them.

As a territory inherited from the gods, the desert territory was very powerful and it was a rule-based ability. Even Lu Chen couldn't maintain the loss of water, but his strong blood and Qi slowed down the loss of water.

An ordinary person would only need a few seconds to turn into a dried corpse under the erosion of the sandstorm, but it was impossible to weaken Lu Chen to the point of death within a week. At the same time, Avalon produced natural energy and water was also a type of natural energy.

Therefore, the sandstorm realm was a killer move to others, but to Lu Chen, it was just a pile of dust.