God's incarnation: fall

Lin Ye couldn't understand why Lu Chen, who was still showing off his power, would suddenly break down.

He had many doubts, but because he was experienced and knowledgeable, he quickly thought of something.

"Could it be that brother Chen used an explosive skill similar to the demonic dissolution?"

"No, brother Chen, come out and tell me. You won't die!"

Lin Ye almost went crazy when he saw Lu Chen's body had completely disintegrated.

From heaven and earth's premonition, he knew that the world was about to be destroyed, which made him fall into despair for a time. Later, he suppressed his inner demons with his strong will and ran around the world.

However, along the way, although he had saved many people and destroyed many evils, Lin Ye knew that the world's crisis had not been resolved. What he had done was just a small fight.