Ancient castle of flesh

"Ai, ai, ai, ai."

Lan Xiao sighed and expressed his heartache. He didn't try to stop them anymore. They were in a desperate situation and they needed to fight with their lives on the line. However, he still had some opinions about Lu Chen.

since we're definitely going to attack, we should find stronger barbarian Warriors as vanguards. The Prince is indeed talented, but he shouldn't be able to deal with the Shadow Realm this time.

if they can't find it, not only will Yunzhou be in trouble, but ever since the Blood Moon appeared, the boorish desolate has also been busy. They can't even mobilize their troops to help us. Blue night paused for a moment before continuing, " also, don't underestimate the Prince. Our spies have heard that the Prince once broke through a medium-sized Shadow Realm by himself, and it was under the protection of the incarnation of the divine Phoenix.