Unlimited firepower

The two giant monsters and the black rope Libra King that Lu Chen summoned confronted each other. The air seemed to have frozen at this moment.

The confrontation didn't last long. When the dark clouds gathered to their limit, a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky and struck Lu Chen's head.

The lightning was lightning fast and the moment it lit up, Lu Chen couldn't even Dodge it.

The lightning struck down with a loud " boom " and Lu Chen's body went numb.

At the same time, the sky bull stomped on the ground and charged at Lu Chen with its body covered in lightning. Its sharp horns were also covered in blinding lightning, like thousands of birds chirping.

Lu Chen had a feeling that the lightning on the sky bull's horns was even stronger than the penetration power of uzhi bosuke's thousand birds from the flame Ninja.

Not only did it have a strong penetrating power, but the sky bull was also like a heavy truck. It was unstoppable when it charged.