Heavenly attraction of myriad forms: perfection

[ in the name of a hero ]

[ mission introduction: a hero is a brave man who can accomplish the impossible. In the name of a hero, do things that ordinary people can't accomplish. Whether it's traveling the world or killing evil beasts for the people, when your great achievements match the name of a hero, you will advance to a hero. ]

After reading the trial, Lu Chen only had one thought, " "Barbarians are still barbarian!"

The advancement of each profession was different, and the requirements were also different. Even the requirements of different eras were different.

Advancing in the name of a hero was an inheritance of the barbarians, and it was also the way for all the professions of the ancient ancestors to advance.

In ancient times, humans were still in a state of ignorance. They needed to hunt for food and fight for living space with powerful magical beasts. The heroes of that time were able to kill the evil beasts that threatened humans.