The divine Sun Bird, the return of the nuclear bomb

Soon, the sound came from the inside to the outside. Glass-like cracks appeared on the war God's body. In a short time, the cracks covered the war God's entire body. After another breath, the war God's entire body turned into powder and exploded.

The bloody God of War was crushed into pieces by Lu Chen's punch.

[ system message: host has killed the avatar of Ares and earned 700000 mastery points. ]

"It's a pity that you can't use your ability after you've gone completely crazy."

Lu Chen wasn't surprised by the God of War's defeat. Although the God of War was the God of duel, he was also the God of War.

Because humans were not as strong as demons, when fighting for territory with demons, they did not rely on brute force, but on the strength of the masses and martial arts.