Chapter 94-such an idiot won't appear!

those princesses might not be happy living in my mansion, but at least they can still survive. Now, you should think about those who can't even survive.

The great witch really wanted to say what was on his mind, but Lu Chen had already asked him about something else.

"Great witch, will it be dangerous for me to go to the clouds Plains?"

of course not. You've cleared more than half of the medium scale Shadow Realms on our side. On the other hand, there are still many more in Yunzhou. They are the ones who are in a hurry now. Moreover, if anything happens to you, the Barbarian King and I will not let it go so easily. So, go without worry!

Lu Chen would be fine. If they killed him at this moment, they would be trying to drag the cloud plane and the wilderness down with them.

It was also because he thought Lu Chen would be fine that the great witch sent Lu Chen to Yunzhou to relax.