Endless tombstones

Due to the disturbance of the aura of the evil, countless people were looking for Lu Chen.

However, Lu Chen was clueless about these things. He stood on the ground like a javelin, resisting the invasion of the mist of the evil. Although the mist of the evil was surging like a tide, Lu Chen's body was also burning with flames. The flames were slightly weaker than the mist that filled the world, but they seemed to be eternal.

as long as this drags on, the will of our world will invade this world. The aura of the evil should be the one to be worried.

With that thought in mind, Lu Chen was ready to carry out his stalling strategy. However, after standing still for a minute, Lu Chen suddenly felt a few threats entering the Shadow Realm from the outside.

this is the support of the misty aura of the evil. I can sense three directions. Damn it, it can't be several legends, right? "