Bomber plane

In the end, four 3000-meter wings of light covered the sky and the earth like a curtain. Because Lu Chen was high up in the sky, everyone looked up at him and felt that he was not someone to be looked at directly.

Furthermore, because the wings of light were so dazzling, anyone within a few hundred miles could see the wings of light that could cover the sky.

The terrifying Holy scene even made many ordinary people feel like a god had descended. For this reason, many people knelt down and began to worship the God.

Some people were kneeling down, and swordsman Yu Fei's face was almost twisted.

such huge wings. What a joke. Fake. All of this is fake.

He wanted to say that everything was fake, but soon, he didn't have the time to care about it. The Barbarian Prince's attack had already begun.

Just like before, the Barbarian prince stood in the air without any movement. Only the feathers on his back trembled.