Dark fruit

"You like blood and flesh, right? you like to hear people scream, right?"

The evil smile on his face made Lu Chen look like a demon. As for the spider deity in Lu Chen's hand, as Lu Chen exerted more force, more than half of his bones were broken. His face was full of fear and hatred.

"Bastard, how can you ignore my poison mist ah Yingluo let me go, ah Yingluo"

Shrieks of pain came one after another and Lu Chen only smiled at the Son of God's cries.

do you know? I like blood food too, especially you divine sons. It's really delicious!

As soon as he said this, the spider demigod stopped struggling, and the Dark Goddess, who was still hesitating, showed fear on her face.

While they were still in disbelief, the giant Lu Chen didn't care about the terrified look on the demigod spider's face. He squeezed the demigod spider's bones hard and after making sure that all of its bones were broken, he threw it into the air.