The Supreme evil demon Lord

"Rao Qianqian."

As the giant hand covered her, a higher level of dark power suppressed all her abilities. This made the goddess of darkness beg for mercy in despair.

Unfortunately, before she could even finish begging for mercy, a 'crack' sound was heard and she was crushed into pieces by Lu Chen.

Then, the hand retracted and Lu Chen grabbed the Dark Goddess's flesh and bone and swallowed it.

This was not a devouring evolution. Besides devouring evolution, feast could also put food in the void stomach, and there was no limit to this devouring.

Of course, if he devoured too strong of an existence and broke his stomach, Lu Chen would be in trouble.

Therefore, most of the food Lu Chen devoured would be killed.

The death of the Dark Goddess gave Lu Chen another 1000000 mastery points and a divinity related to charm.

"Useless thing."

With the death of the Dark Goddess, Lu Chen finally completed all the quests in the Shadow Realm.