Art is an explosion

Lu Chen felt very happy as he watched everything in front of him being destroyed by the Holy Light weapon. He felt that he could really do something on this path of bombardment.

However, while he was feeling good, the Mount of pilgrimage was feeling terrible. The manifested monarch couldn't do anything to Lu Chen and could only waste its own energy.

At the same time, the Daoist priest who had been observing for a long time also spoke to Lu Chen.

ah 'Chen, this altar doesn't have infinite energy. It can extract the power of faith from the Empire and its people. However, that world has been eroded. The Empire has been destroyed, and the civilization has been wiped out. The energy it absorbs is like water without roots or wood without fate.

The usual way of dealing with evils was to find their weakness and then deal with it accordingly. For example, the priest had found a way to deal with the evil before him, and that was to deal with the emperor's projection.