The wise man

"Your Highness!"

A voice of disbelief was heard from one of the people. In fact, because he was too shocked, his voice was a little hoarse.

This sudden hoarse roar startled many people. Then, everyone looked at the heaven's pride expert who had shouted with dissatisfaction. Those who had come with him felt even more embarrassed.

isn't it embarrassing to shout in this kind of place, huh??? His Highness "aura ... You ... You're His Highness?"

A distorted voice came out of the companion's mouth, and his voice also attracted the attention of the others. But this time, no one said anything wrong about that person. Everyone followed his line of sight and looked at the person who shocked him. When they saw clearly, without exception, everyone's mouth was wide open and their faces were filled with horror, as if they had seen a prehistoric monster.