Trajectory correction

I've already made the nuclear bomb, and it's the most powerful hydrogen bomb. What's troubling me is making the nuclear fusion controllable. I have two shortcomings in this area. One is that I'm not precise in the control of energy, and the other is that I can't split my attention to maintain the stability of the nuclear fusion during battle.

however, the mind computer's powerful processing power allowed me to catch up and even far surpass other soul legends in terms of energy control. The machines and programs are more precise than humans.

The assembly line allowed the machine to produce millions or even billions of products of the same size in one go. This kind of precision was beyond the reach of human hands. Lu Chen, who had a mental computer, as long as he set up the program and gave a part of the energy to the mental computer, he wouldn't make any mistakes in his control of energy. This kind of energy control was comparable to a true spirit with a divine spark.