We are the Allies

The bright future ahead of him made Lu Chen fantasize but soon, he frowned.

that's not right. A divinity needs divine power to be activated. Only the prayers of a large number of believers can condense divine power. 1500 points of divine power can't be met by the Sorcerer world alone. It's fine, but there's also the world where the sage lives. Both worlds can provide me with a large amount of faith power and divine power.

At this moment, Lu Chen finally understood why there was a war between gods. It was obvious that they were fighting for the power of faith. After all, not all worlds were like the wizard World where there was not a single God. In other worlds, there were many gods and there were not enough believers.

I'm slightly relieved now. If I want to grow in the future, I'll have to go to a few more worlds to develop believers or sleep. My physical body is strong anyway. As long as I sleep for a hundred years, my soul will be able to fit into my physical body.