Chapter 554-the fall of the gods, the end of the war of the Gods

The dark state was three times stronger but when the difference in strength reached a certain level, even the three times enhancement wouldn't be enough to defeat a BOSS. Lu Chen was one of those.

With his 130000-meter-tall body, when the palm landed on the greed evil Dragon's body, the Dragon was stunned. In the next moment, as its body tightened, the greed evil Dragon felt itself being lifted up. It forced its eyes open, and the first thing that appeared in front of it was a majestic giant face in the starry sky. It also realized that it was being lifted up like a little chick.


The posture of lifting a chicken made the greedy dragon feel insulted. It opened its mouth to roar, but it stopped halfway. A huge sword shining with golden light was on its body.