Chapter 13: Using Second-long Ability

In the afternoon, in the VIP room of the company which sold temporary prefabricated modular building units, An Wen sipped a cup of tea as he looked at the half-complete design sketch of the factory building.

Manager Yuan explained out loud, "Mr. An, our designers are currently working overtime to design the factory building. The full design sketch will be completed in three days at the most."

It could be said that Manager Yuan had an extremely deep impression of An Wen.

She believed that An Wen had traveled to the company that day to press the employees to expedite the work.

It was common for rich and important clients like him to do so.

However, this time, she was wrong.

"Mmm, there's no hurry, do not rush and sacrifice quality for time." An Wen said.

"Don't worry, Mr. An, we can guarantee the quality of the work." Manager Yuan replied.

An Wen nodded. He did not beat around the bush further as he began directly explaining the purpose of his visit.

"I require two more buildings. One of them is a fitness center with an indoor swimming pool. You guys do not need to worry about the construction of the swimming pool; all you need to do is to reserve a space for it."

"The other is a multi-function, mixed-use complex, which houses research facilities like a library, an experiment lab, and a small processing center."

"I have no other requirements for these two buildings, apart from my previous requirements of sturdiness and aesthetics. They should complement and match the appearance of the factory."

An Wen told Manager Yuan the purpose of his visit - he wanted to purchase more prefabricated modular units.

"Alright, Mr. An, all of that would not be a problem. Do you have any other requests?" Manger Yuan asked.

She was extremely excited, for it meant more commissions for her.

As such, she diligently asked An Wen if he had any other requests.

"Hmm, are you guys able to produce reinforced concrete beams with square bases?" An Wen asked.

Manager Yuan quickly replied, "That is possible. What specifications for the beams do you require, Mr. An? Do you have any special requirements?"

An Wen pondered for a moment and then gave his answer, "They should be cuboid-shaped beams made with reinforced concrete, each having a length and width of one meter, and a height of eight meters. There is only one requirement for them, and that is sturdiness."

"... Sturdiness, well, Mr. An, apart from sturdiness, do you have any other requirements, such as the maximum load the beams can take?" Manager Yuan probed, somewhat bewildered.

"There are no other requirements. I am not going to use them to bear any load anyway, so all I need is for them to be sturdy. They should be strong enough to withstand impact from a tank without being damaged." An Wen replied.

He suddenly had a wave of inspiration and thought of using reinforced concrete.

Originally, he had planned on using the rocks in the valley to build a city wall as the fortress' entrance.

However, after giving it some thought, he realized that the stones would not be able to perfectly defend against all the monsters, since the rocks were materials provided by the game.

After all, if a city wall made of rocks was able to prevent any monster from infiltrating the base, the player would be invincible.

Hence, An Wen was preparing to use reinforced concrete as the city wall, with rocks stacked in between the layers. The outer layer of the city wall would then be covered with steel plates.

He did not believe that such a defense system could be broken through by monsters.

If it was still insufficient, he could continue adding more layers of defense.

In addition, he would also build archer towers on the city wall, as well as position stone catapults behind the wall. If it was still insufficient, he would purchase weapons from the overseas-equivalents of Taobao.

With Singles' Day was around the corner, perhaps the overseas online stores would offer promotional discounts, and the weapons being sold might be discounted.

The defense system was ultimately only for defending against monsters, and he still had to attack them. After all, it certainly would not be sufficient to only absorb damage.

Manager Yuan then replied, "Sure, this would not be a problem at all. How many of these beams do you require?"

She immediately agreed - such requirements were not the least difficult to fulfill.

"I'll get 500 of the first." 

"Alright." Manager Yuan replied.

She readily agreed, and An Wen also made payments readily.

After the contract was signed, An Wen paid 2 million yuan as a deposit.

After taking his leave from the company, An Wen proceeded to rent a large 4000-square-meter warehouse with a rent of 800 thousand yuan per year.

It was an isolated warehouse that was not located in a logistics park.

As a result, An Wen would be able to move the goods which were transported to the warehouse to the other world.

If there were other warehouses beside his, the people who were around would notice that goods were transported daily into his warehouse, but never back out, and yet his warehouse remained empty. Unless they were not blind, they would certainly grow suspicious.

After renting the warehouse, An Wen proceeded to purchase a camera and a backup electrical supply.

Then, An Wen traveled to the other world.

He built another wooden house in the valley.

Later on, at 8 p.m., he removed one plank from the wooden house.

"A wooden house with a plank removed is considered as an unfinished building, and the wooden house that I built in the afternoon also disappeared before night fell."

"Based on the rules of the game, if no wooden houses are detected when night falls, then there should not be any attacks by monsters."

An Wen muttered to himself as he placed the camera inside the wooden house after removing a wooden plank.

He wanted to confirm that, by doing so, monsters would not attack at night.

Afternoon the next day.

An Wen traveled to the other world once again.

He came upon the completely undamaged wooden house.

Looking through the video footage recorded by the camera, he found that he was indeed right; no monsters appeared the previous night.

"Wonderful, this is yet another bug. I would certainly be able to build a building in the day, then remove a part of the building before night falls, so that the building would be in an unfinished state."

"In this way, I would be able to obtain Survival Points in the day, and yet would not be attacked by monsters at night. This is perfect!"

An Wen smiled in joy - he had discovered yet another bug.

Using the method, he would be able to boldly harvest Survival Points in the day without any worries.

"Deliver 10 bathtubs to me. Yes, yes, deliver them directly to the warehouse."

"Deliver a complete set of fitness equipment to me... That's right, I want everything... Alright, deliver it directly to the warehouse."

"I want a small excavator, a bulldozer, a roller, and a forklift, one of each... Yes, yes, deliver them directly to the warehouse."

"I want a complete set of bed-type wood milling and processing equipment... I want a full set, do you understand? That includes... includes everything... That's right, I want the electric carving knife and the electric planer as well... Just deliver them directly."

After confirming the bug in the other world, An Wen began purchasing many items.

Since he now had a warehouse, he could purchase anything he wanted at will.

The bathtubs were the first to be delivered, and all 10 of them arrived in less than two hours.

An Wen constructed 10 simple bathrooms, and placed the 10 bathtubs in place.

The attributes of the bathrooms were each similar, with each providing 276,000 Survival Points per hour.

It would be a misconception to think that it was a very large number of Survival Points - there was a dazzlingly huge number of crafts in the technology tree, and all of the late-game skills each required tens to hundreds of millions of Survival Points to be lighted up and activated.

After all, based on the rules of the game, it was not possible for the player to activate such astounding skills earlier on in the game.

"It's time to get down to work."

After building the bathrooms, An Wen began measuring the opening of the valley.

Based on visual observation, the opening of the valley was approximately more than 300 meters wide. However, it was only an estimate, and the true value would certainly vary significantly.

Upon physical measurement, the width of the valley opening was only 263 meters.

"After this, I need to dig a foundation, earn Survival Points, as well as train and exercise. After some time, after the defense system is constructed, I'll make sure the monsters know their place."