Chapter 21: Do Not Question, It’s Just the Settings of the Game

"This monster seems quite strong."

As An Wen looked at the giant monster in the distance, the expression on his face remained slightly solemn.

There were many more monsters that emerged in the new wave than the previous one.

Countless monsters were still emerging continuously from the forest.

Moreover, as a whole, the new wave of monsters appeared much stronger than before.

There were much fewer small monsters, and most of the monsters were one to two meters tall. They either wore bone armor or had sharp thorns growing all over them, making them appear extremely strong.

In the previous wave, there were still numerous monsters that moved by wriggling on the ground. However, in the current wave, almost all of the monsters crawled.

"The sea of fire is about to be extinguished."

The flames of fire that were still raging moments ago had now become weak and powerless. Across the entire barren plot of land, only about a dozen small pits of fire and scattered flames remained burning.

The falling snow was growing heavier.

With each passing moment, the remaining pits of fire were closer and closer to getting extinguished.

An Wen stared at the giant monster.

When it came near the city wall, it did not foolishly use its head to knock the titanium alloy plates directly.

Instead, it swung its tail, which resembled a meteor hammer and had an end that was shaped like a thorny wrecking ball, forcefully at the city wall.

A mini blizzard was whipped up by its gigantic tail.

The massive current of air formed a mini blizzard with snowflakes in the air.


A resounding clang echoed through the air as the tail of the monster crashed into the titanium alloy plates that lined the city wall.


The sharp thorns on its tail broke.

Indeed, the thorns on the side of its tail, which collided with the city wall, all shattered into pieces.

Its tail now looked like an overworked, middle-aged programmer who only had hair on the two sides of his head and was bald at the top.

"Eh… How pathetic."

An Wen was stunned at first, but then he remarked in delight as the corner of his mouth crooked upwards.

He had thought that the monster was a 'Challenger', but it turned out that he was actually just of a 'Bronze' rank.

Initially, An Wen was concerned that the city wall would not be able to withstand the monster's attacks, but when he found that the Durability of the city wall did not even drop by a single point, he was no longer worried.

The monster looked strong and tough, but it was actually just a weakling.

There was, however, a problem that An Wen was troubled about.

That was the attack power of the archer towers.

Indeed the Durability of the city wall was not reduced even by a single point when the monster attacked it.

However, even after the archer towers on top of the city wall shot hundreds of arrows at the monster, it still had a large amount of health remaining.

An Wen looked at the health bar of the monster and found that it had only lost slightly more than a tenth of its maximum health thus far.

Of which, most of the health it lost was actually due to the damage it received from smashing its tail against the city wall.

That also meant that the archer towers were completely ineffective against such a level of monsters, and they dealt barely any damage against them.

"The attacks of the archer towers are still quite weak."

An Wen pursed his lips, somewhat dissatisfied with the capabilities of the archer towers.

Nevertheless, he understood that the attack power of archer towers was already extremely powerful during the era of cold weapons.

The main reason why they were ineffective against the monster was because of the Survival Points.

In an ordinary situation where An Wen had not 'cheated' and instead 'farmed' to develop by fair means, such a high-leveled monster would certainly not have appeared at that juncture.

If that had been the case, the archer towers would have meted out effective damage to both the gigantic monster and the previous wave of monsters.

In other words, the monster that appeared was beyond the current stage in the game.

"Fortunately, the stone catapults are still able to cause some damage to the monster. Although the damage is not high, the effect is still decent."

Five minutes later…

From the damage it inflicted on itself when it attacked the city wall, as well as the damage dealt by the stones thrown by the stone catapults, the gigantic monster was depleted of all its health and turned into a mist of blood.

Needless to say, apart from the gigantic monster, all the other monsters were worthless.

Indeed there were a huge number of those other monsters, and there were still countless more emerging from the forest.

However, those monsters were unable to deal any damage to the city wall, so no matter how many of them there were, they were insignificant.

"I understand now, the purpose of these monsters is actually to deplete the player's material resources."

After some time, An Wen realized that a third of the arrows stored in the archer towers had been used. He quickly discovered the problem.

Those monsters were unable to break through the city wall, so why did they still appear continuously?

There was only one explanation for that, and it was to deplete the player's material reserves.

With each arrow that an archer tower released, the amount of wood remaining in the reserves would be reduced.

Similarly, with each stone that a stone catapult released, a certain amount of stone in the reserves would be used.

In that way, a large majority of the material resources that the player gathered in the day had to be set aside beforehand, so they can be used as materials for weapons. All of them could not be used to construct buildings.

"What a sly move… If this was a mobile game in the real world, making in-game purchases would certainly be required."

As a gamer who frequently spent money making in-game purchases, An Wen could not be any more familiar with such a 'tactic':

After a certain stage of the game, the resources the player could obtain from the game itself would be insufficient for the player to level up his territory.

It was not that it was impossible to level up, but that it was extremely challenging.

At that juncture, players who did not want to spend a huge amount of time trying to level up would have to spend money to make in-game purchases.

"I would believe it if someone tells me now that this game world is a product produced by Tencent in a certain parallel universe."

Any experienced player would be familiar with such a 'tactic'.

Truthfully, An Wen was not against making in-game purchases, but the problem now was that he had not found a way for him to do so.

"How would I be able to make in-game purchases?"

An Wen suddenly thought of a problem.

He had constructed a number of buildings, but he had not built any shops.

"Could it be that I have to build a system store myself?"

An Wen thought about such a possibility and felt that it was rather absurd.

Never mind, I'll know after I build a shop later on. I can experiment after this busy period is over.

The attack of the monsters on the city continues.

Countless monsters were still emerging from the forest, but none of them were like the giant monster from before.

"It seems that I can still increase the number of buildings."

An Wen completely disregarded the small monsters on the ground.

As long as they did not know how to climb the city wall, the small monsters were completely insignificant, regardless of their huge numbers.

An Wen installed wooden planks to a few more bathrooms, and his hourly income of Survival Points rose to 400 thousand.

As he had expected, gigantic monsters like those from before emerged from the forest once again. However, this time, there was not one, but two of those monsters that appeared simultaneously.

On the other hand, there were no significant changes to the strength of the small monsters, and they were the same as before.

The number of small monsters that appeared was also similar to the previous round since they continuously emerged from the forest, and it would not be possible to tell if their numbers increased anyway.

"Bam bam…"

The two gigantic monsters reached the city wall and swung their 'meteor hammers' viciously at the city wall.


They suffered the same damage as that monster from before.

The sharp thorns on the ends of their tails shattered, and each of them lost a tenth of their health.

"It looks like I can continue adding more buildings."

An Wen was not bothered by the two monsters and proceeded to restore more buildings to a functional state.

Half an hour later…

Apart from the wood processing plant, An Wen had completely restored all of the other buildings.

Meanwhile, the number of gigantic monsters outside the city wall had increased to 36, and whenever one of them was killed, another one would emerge from the forest.

"There are no new monsters, and only their quantity has increased. Should I restore the wood processing plant as well?"

An Wen thought as he looked at the gigantic monsters on the ground.

After deliberating for a long while, An Wen shook his head.

He gave up on that idea – or at least, he could not do so for the time being.

It was better to be safe than sorry.

Play it safe and steady, it would not bode well to be rash and impatient.

Since he could no longer increase the number of buildings, An Wen decided to experiment and find out if the method of attack he thought of would be effective.

He went down the watchtower and retrieved a fire hose from the room, then dragged it up the city wall, securing it in place.

Thereafter, he extended the hose by connecting its other end to several other fire hoses and connected the last fire hose to a water pump. Following this, he placed the water pump in the lake at the bottom of the waterfall.

Finally, he retrieved a special fire hose nozzle, secured it on the pilaster of the city wall, and then connected the fire hose to it.

"Whether this will work is all up to the settings of the game now."

When all of that was done, An Wen turned the water pump on.

Rumble, rumble…

The water pump drew water from the lake, and water flowed through the fire hoses and into the fire hose nozzle at high pressure.

Splash, splash…

Rhythmic pulses of water spraying out of the nozzle could be heard.

The special fire hose nozzle dispersed the high-pressure water jet into countless droplets of water and sprayed them into the air like a scattergun.

The water droplets froze into ice in the air and fell to the ground as hail.

Struck by the hail, the health bars of the small monsters on the ground were instantly emptied, and they burst into mists of blood at their original positions.


An Wen was extremely excited.

If the damage received by the groups of small monsters exploding into mists of blood could be displayed numerically, the scene in front of Ren Suo would certainly be…





The entire screen would be filled with red-colored numbers showing the decrease in the health of the monsters, and the graphics card would be working in overdrive.

Unfortunately, An Wen could only see the health bars of the monsters depleting rapidly, and then the monsters would explode in their positions.

The effect was not perfect.

With regard to why the water flowing through the fire hoses did not turn into ice at a low temperature of 45 degrees below freezing but froze when the water droplets were in the air…

Do not question, for it was just the settings of the game.

The waterfall in the valley was still flowing, no?

The water in the lake and sea had not frozen into ice, but snowflakes were drifting through the sky, no?

That was all just the game's settings.

How did An Wen think of such a tactic then?

Well, he had the first batch of small monsters that infiltrated his camp to thank for that.

At that time, An Wen made the small monster lose one-third of its health by using a nail, so why would hail not result in a similar effect?

"Hmph… With this fire hose 'gun', I will make sure that half of you guys would be killed even before reaching the city wall."

At that moment, one of the gigantic monsters burst into a mist of blood.

It had also been pelted with countless bullets of hail.

Even if the hail could only deal one point of damage to it, with its huge size, it would receive an extraordinary amount of damage in an instant.

As his usual saying goes, "Any monster that dared to show its health bar would have to die."