Chapter 28: Functions of the Various Lists

As a gamer who spent money to make in-game purchases, An Wen naturally decided to do the same in the other world.

After spending 500 Survival Points, the Fundamental Operations icon was lit.

An Wen instantaneously acquired knowledge of the skill.

However, the Fundamental Operations skill was essentially addition and subtraction, skills that An Wen had already learned in elementary school.

"It's such a complete waste, what use is there to learn addition and subtraction skills? It's not as if I don't already know them..."

An Wen grumbled as he casually thought of a set of numbers to perform subtraction on.

In the end, he became astounded.

298 - 127 = 162 (basic subtraction)

62844 - 25489 = 37055 (extraordinary subtraction)

156254958 - 7483765 = 148771193 (I calculated this... mentally)

 "What... Was what I learned in school even considered addition and subtraction?"

Realizing that he was now able to mentally subtract numbers that were greater than a billion, An Wen felt that what he had learned in the past was 'fake'. How was he not able to make calculations with such large numbers in the past?

"Mmm, it must have been because I did not learn math well in school, not because my brain has a slow processing speed. Yes, of course, that must have been the case."

An Wen comforted himself by giving himself constant psychological assurance.

Then, he lit the Advanced Fundamental Operations skill icon.

He spent 2500 Survival Points this time, lighting up the skill icon immediately like before.

This time around, it was the knowledge of multiplication and division.

Similarly, An Wen's ability to perform multiplication and division was greatly enhanced in an instant.

40000 x 50000 = 200000 (in the past)

40k x 50k = 200k (now)

In the past, An Wen made occasional careless mistakes and came up with the wrong results; now, he felt as if performing arithmetic calculations was an innate ability, and he was confident to never make any more mistakes.

"I'll now be able to act like a genius."

An Wen remarked to himself as the corner of his mouth tilted upwards with a gleeful smile.

Anyone whose arithmetic ability improved to such an extent would be greatly happy, even if one was a poorly performing student.

An Wen continued to light up another skill - Mixed Operations.

5000 Survival Points were deducted, and the corresponding icon instantly lit up.

Another one!

Algebraic Operations - 7500 Survival Points.

Another one!

Exponentiation - 15,000 Survival Points.

Another one!

Real and Complex Operations - 50,000 Survival Points.

Another one!

Structure Operations - 250,000 Survival Points.

Going down the list, An Wen lit up all the skill icons until he reached the end and there was no more for him to light up.

"Eh... Why aren't there any more skills?" 

An Wen continuously absorbed the knowledge that was being infused into his mind. Although he had essentially learned everything before, his level of mastery in each varied.

He was highly proficient in the operations that he had learned in and before junior high school.

However, when the knowledge that he thought he had learned in high school emerged, An Wen realized that he had already forgotten the majority of what he knew.

Regardless, just as he was rejoicing in the sea of knowledge infused into his brain, the 'sea' suddenly disappeared.

An Wen turned extremely disgruntled.

After scrolling through the list and lighting up each of the skill icons, he suddenly could not scroll down any further, neither did the 'Level 2' icons appear.

"It seems that I still need something else before I'll be able to be promoted to 'Level 2'."

An Wen pursed his lips in great dissatisfaction, as there was nothing that could be done.

There was no newcomer's guide in the game world, so he had to figure out all the game's mechanics by himself. It was still bearable while playing the 'game', for it gave a sense of satisfaction venturing into the unknown.

However, when it came to 'cheating', it was hugely unsatisfying.

"It's alright, there are still many other branches of disciplines."

An Wen exited the Mathematics List, then tapped to open the Physics List.

Surely, he continued another round of in-game purchases.

The main fields in the Physics List were Mechanics and Optics. There was no knowledge related to electromagnetism, particle physics, quantum physics, and the like.

After An Wen finished lighting up the skill icons in Physics, he tapped to open the Chemistry List. However, he could not light up any of the skill icons in the list.

Did something go wrong?

An Wen pondered on it but could not comprehend why.

Nevertheless, there were still numerous other lists, so there was no need to be hung up on Chemistry.

Giving up on Chemistry, An Wen tapped to open the Biology List.

It turned out that none of the skill icons in the Biology List could be lit up either.

What on earth?

Was An Wen being 'trolled'?!

Exiting the Biology List, An Wen tapped to open the Materials List and found that none of the skill icons in the list could be lit up either.

In disbelief of the nonsensical situation, An Wen tapped and opened the Engineering List.

There were finally skill icons that he could light up this time around.

However, after lighting up just two skill icons, he could not continue to light up anymore in the Engineering List.

"Prerequisite technology materials have not been activated, therefore Engineering Skills cannot be leveled up."

Looking at the message hint above the skill icon, An Wen wanted to curse out loud.

He then exited the Engineering List and tapped to open the Energy List.

Without a doubt, the Energy List's skill icons were not lit up as well.

In other words, apart from Mathematics and Physics, An Wen could not level up any of the other branches of disciplines.

"Perhaps I have to get out of the newcomer's village?"

From An Wen's prior gaming experience, he was certain that such a situation was due to the game's checkpoint stages.

Games today were no longer like those of the past.

In the past when there was no such 'newcomer's village' in games, a player could become a master even if the player remained around the original starting location.

Now, however, if a player was unable to find a crucial NPC, the player would not be able to learn any skills in the game.

Exiting the Research Upgrades List, An Wen tapped to open the Control Automation List.

There were no skill icons in the list, but only icons of buildings.

The building icons depicted the buildings within the camp, such as the bathroom, the wooden house, the fitness center, the wood processing plant, and the small-scale fortress.

The list in particular looked similar to lists in real-time strategy games.

Tapping to open the icon showing the wood processing plant, An Wen found that it was completely empty.

"Input Sketches are required for production to be carried out."


What's that?

An Wen navigated around the menu and found that buildings used for manufacturing required Sketches before they could carry out production.

On the other hand, he could control the effects of residential and functional buildings.

For example, he could fill the bathtub in the bathroom, or flush the toilet bowl automatically.

Well then.

At the very least, the new information was somewhat useful; An Wen no longer needed to flush the toilet himself.

With some frustration, An Wen closed the Control Automation List.

He then tapped on the Weapon Upgrades List. Scanning through it quickly, An Wen knew that it was also essentially useless.

The weapons that could currently be upgraded were all cold weapons, which made the upgrades useless.

For example, a stone spearhead could be installed on a wooden pole to form a spear.

What use was the use of that?

Filled with anticipation, An Wen opened the Knowledge Tree Storage and Consolidation List.

In an instant, countless shimmering star icons appeared in front of An Wen.

Starting from the bottom, the icons were successively linked upwards. There were both intersecting branches as well as merging branches, with so many icons squeezed together that they looked like constellations on star charts.

However, as a whole, the icons gradually came together to form the shape of a large tree.

"Eh? The Mathematics, Physics, and Engineering icons all converge to the Woodworking Skills icon. What does that mean?"

The Woodworking Skills icon depicted a wooden kite.

On the other hand, one or two lines emerged from each of the icons of the three disciplines, Engineering, Mathematics, and Physics, with each line connecting to the Woodworking Skills icon.

"Do you wish to spend 5000 Survival Points to fuse the main skills together and enhance the production quality of the wooden kite?"

"There is a 99% chance of upgrading the overall performance of the wooden kite in this fusion."

"There is an 87% chance of upgrading the wooden kite to a product of 'Excellent' grade."

"There is a 32% chance of upgrading the wooden kite to a product of 'Outstanding' grade."

'There is a 2% chance of upgrading the wooden kite to a product of 'Epic' grade."

"Special hint: Technology also requires luck. A wave of inspiration is more powerful than a hundred experiments."

After reading the hint, An Wen immediately chose to fuse the main skills together without any hesitation.


A bolt of white light flashed and the icon turned white.

"Wooden Kite: Ordinary Product"

"Results of Fusion: Overall Performance +47%, Structural Strength +29%, Production Sketch Formed"

"5000 Survival Points can be used to perform a second fusion."


An Wen exhaled.

Was this not the same as unboxing items in other games?