Chapter 38: Sorry, I’m Late

"President, the aerobatic performances are about to begin, where are you now?"

Ye Zhihua sent a WeChat message to An Wen.

At that time, the participants from both Zhendan University and Ze University had all arrived at the Oriental Land. The area by the lake had already been cleared and the aerobatics performances were about to begin.

However, An Wen was nowhere to be found and Ye Zhihua was feeling slightly anxious.

Without a moment's notice, An Wen soonly replied, "Don't worry, I'll be there soon."

Seeing An Wen's message, Ye Zhihua was relieved.

Ye Zhihua was also at odds with Du Yuan, especially then when he saw Du Yuan currying favor with and groveling to the professors who were present.

"Hmph... What a brown noser."

In stark contrast, Du Yuan was extremely pleased.

He had prepared for this day for a very long time.

It was not simply an aeromodelling competition; he was actually not that interested in aeromodelling, and being the President of the aeromodelling club was merely a platform for him to carry out his plan.

The main reason why he arranged such a large-scale competition was because he wanted to ingratiate himself with one of the professors.

He was in his third year at university and was preparing to take part in the National Postgraduate Entrance Examination at the end of the year.

Professor Liu, whom he wanted to pursue his postgraduate studies under, was a fellow in the Chinese Academy in Sciences, who was, incidentally, interested in aeromodelling. He was also asked to be part of the panel of judges that day, so Du Yuan certainly had to make full use of the opportunity.

Renowned professors like Professor Liu did not only consider results when thinking about who to accept as their student.

They had to observe the applicants in all aspects.

Moreover, those who were brave enough to apply to study under Professor Liu belonged to the same high caliber in terms of their results.

However, Du Yuan's results were certainly not the most outstanding.

As such, he was forced to think of another way to make Professor Liu notice his strong organizational and communication abilities.

When applying to study for postgraduate studies, it was not only academic mastery that mattered. The ability to establish positive relationships with others and providing help to tutors were also extremely important.

On the other hand, making things difficult for the irksome An Wen was merely a welcome byproduct.

For someone like Du Yuan, he would surely not arrange such a large-scale event just to make things difficult for An Wen. He was not so foolish, nor did he have that much time on his hands.

Very soon, the competition site was cleared and everyone was ready.

At that juncture, as the host of the competition, Du Yuan naturally made his way onto the stage to welcome everyone first.

"A warm welcome to our leaders, tutors, as well as our friends from Ze University..."

Standing on the temporary stage, Du Yuan smiled amiably as he looked at the people below.

As he spoke, he even took notice of the leaders and professors who were sitting on the main platform at the corner of his eye.

After making sure that they were extremely satisfied with his planning and arrangements that day, Du Yuan was even more elated.

It was an unforgettable highlight in his life.

"... To raise the craftsmanship skills of the club's members and to put the knowledge we have learned into practice, the aeromodelling club of Zhendan University has decided to scrap the old practice of assembling airplane models using purchased equipment, from this year onwards. That was a misguided practice."

"Starting from the fundamentals and incorporating theories into practice, we will make use of the school's experiment laboratories to research, design, and assemble our own airplane models..."

Du Yuan candidly labeled the previous practice of the aeromodelling club during An Wen's time as the President as incorrect.

He had done his due diligence and found out that Professor Liu was one who liked to research and experiment personally. He was not in favor of members of aeromodelling clubs purchasing engines from overseas every time.

Hence, Du Yuan's speech appealed greatly to Professor Liu.

Of course, the members of the aeromodelling club below the stage were clearly not as keen.

Most of them did not join the aeromodelling club to learn how to build engines; they joined to take part in aeromodelling.

Besides, not everyone in the aeromodelling club majored in related fields.

It was completely unrealistic to force someone who majored in chemistry to 'incorporate theories into practice'.

Previously when An Wen was the President of the club, Professor Liu had told him before to put what they learned into practice by building parts on their own, and not purchase equipment every time.

It was not that An Wen did not wish for them to build parts themselves, but he felt that it was too troublesome.

Furthermore, due to the quality of materials required and the precision required to process them, as well as other reasons like the members themselves, he found that it was troublesome and ineffective to build engines themselves.

As such, An Wen did not take Professor Liu's words to heart and continued purchasing engines while wielding the power of money.

Three minutes later, Du Yuan finished his speech, and passed the microphone over to Professor Liu.

After finishing what he wanted to say, Du Yuan had also accomplished his goal, so he quickly handed over the stage. After all, he was not one of the leaders and would certainly not be talking for hours; he had not yet reached that standard anyway.

Nevertheless, he actually felt slightly 'regretful' that An Wen was not present. It would have been even better if he was there.

However, there was no sign of An Wen when he looked around the crowd.

Very quickly, Professor Liu made his way onto the stage and began his speech.

"Good morning students, I am Liu Jishan."

"First and foremost, I would like to welcome the students from Ze University, who have come to Shanghai for an exchange with our students from Zhendan University."

"To be frank, when I saw everyone, I was reminded of the time when I was younger."

"During our era, there were no such things as airplane models. There weren't even small remote control cars. Everyone was struggling to fill their stomachs, so who would have the time to play with these things?"

"I am personally a great fan of airplanes, and when I was young, I would build airplane models by hand using wood. When they were completed, I would carry them with me everywhere I went like a prized possession."

"At that time, I thought, how great it would be if I could build an airplane that could fly in the sky using wood. If I could do so, our country would be able to save a lot of money."

"However, when I went to university and specialized in a professional field, I then realized that it was not that wooden airplanes were unable to fly in the sky, but that wooden airplanes without engines are unable to fly..."

At that precise moment, a gigantic wooden eagle appeared in the distance, flying above the lake.

"Holy crap!"

An uncultured student blurted aloud.

The onlookers then turned around and caught sight of the wooden eagle that was flying above the lake.

Even Professor Liu momentarily forgot about his speech as he stared intently at the Ancient Flying Eagle, whose wings were flapping up and down continuously above the water.

As the Ancient Flying Eagle drew closer to the scene, many people began standing up in amazement.

As An Wen flew the Ancient Flying Eagle to the scene and circled in the air above, the onlookers began exclaiming in shock.

"What on Earth... Is that actually made of wood?"

"There are no engines, it's a pure biologically-inspired design! How can this be possible?"

"Can anyone tell me what on Earth is going on? Have we accidentally discovered a flying machine that the country has researched and invented in secret?"

"Don't block me... I am taking pictures."

The professors were the first to react and immediately began maintaining order.

Professor Liu picked up the microphone and instructed loudly, "Students, please be orderly, don't push each other, and calm down."

The students of the two top-class universities still upheld their good manners.

After their initial amazement, they all adhered to Professor Liu's instructions and sat down. Nevertheless, they were still holding up their mobile phones to capture videos of the Ancient Flying Eagle in the air.

Seeing that the scene below had calmed down, An Wen, who was in the flying Ancient Flying Eagle, turned on the switch of his portable speaker.

"Mmm... Sorry, but could my juniors below please make way for a landing strip so I can land?"

An Wen's voice echoed through the air.

What on Earth!

The onlookers were bewildered once again. There was even a person inside the gigantic flying bird!

When the members of Zhendan University's aeromodelling club heard the voice, they instantly recognized it, but could not tell who it was at first.

"Holy crap... President is amazing!"

Ye Zhihua suddenly exclaimed. Of course he could recognize An Wen's voice.

When they heard him, everyone looked at the excited Ye Zhihua, then immediately turned to look at Du Yuan.

The President is amazing?

Isn't Du Yuan the President?

Could Du Yuan be behind the wooden flying eagle?

When Professor Liu heard Ye Zhihua, he also turned to look at Du Yuan.


Du Yuan was bewildered!

Why is everyone looking at me?

I did not arrange this, it has nothing to do with me, don't wrongly accuse me!

Just as Du Yuan was utterly exasperated, Ye Zhihua realized that he had spoken wrongly. He then quickly added, "I'm talking about our ex-President, An Wen."

When everyone heard his words, they all came to the realization.

"Holy crap! Legend An is truly legendary! (voice breaking)"

"Enough of that, let's make space quickly for a landing strip so that Legend An can land."

"Hurry, hurry... make space."

Everyone stood up hurriedly and began making space for a landing strip.

Seeing the empty space that was freed up below, An Wen controlled the Ancient Flying Eagle to perform a cartwheel in the air, then dived steeply towards the ground before landing perfectly and beautifully.

Click click click!

Following the sounds of a series of mechanisms moving, the Ancient Flying Eagle retracted its wings and 'stood' on the ground.

"Sorry, I'm late."

An Wen said apologetically to the crowd as he emerged from the neck of the Ancient Flying Eagle.