Chapter 55: Blacksmith Store Constructed

When An Wen returned home, he immediately brought the equipment and test tubes to the other world.

That was the best way to 'destroy' all the evidence.

After such, he looked at the report once more.

Although he could not understand the data, he found out what the symbols on the report meant through the Internet.

"There are no harmful substances, but more observations need to be performed."

An Wen grabbed the laboratory rat out of his pocket.

Squeak squeak squeak...

As he looked at the rat that was struggling to break free of his grip, he went to the kitchen to retrieve a knife.

A clean knife entered, and a red one came out.

The rat was slit by An Wen with the knife. The wound was about one centimeter long, but it was not deep and would not injure its internal organs.

Following this, An Wen took out the fruit juice and forced the rat to drink it.

Yuan Pan could smell the scent of the fruit juice and 'ran' to the kitchen from the living room.


He saw An Wen giving the laboratory rat an injection.


Yuan Pan was completely dumbfounded when he saw the scene.

On the other hand, after the laboratory rat drank the fruit juice, its wound healed rapidly.

Five minutes later...

The wound on the rat vanished without leaving even a scar behind. If not for the remnants of blood on its fur, it would have looked like it was not injured at all.

Thereafter, An Wen carried out a few more experiments.

A burn took eight minutes to heal.

A scald took five minutes to heal.

An Wen could not observe what was happening in the rat's body after it was injured internally, but it climbed to its feet again after lying down for 10 minutes.

Regeneration of a broken limb... There was no effect.

"It can cure illnesses and heal both internal and external injuries, but it can't regenerate broken limbs. The lab rat's tail did not grow out again."

"Furthermore, after numerous experiments, the lab rat's body weight decreased slightly, and it also became slimmer. This should be due to the consumption of nutrients and substances in its body for healing its injuries."

"In other words, the fruit from the valley isn't a kind of food, but a healing drug?"

Concluding his experiments, An Wen allowed the laboratory rat to go peacefully.

He had found out the effects of the fruit through his experiments, but those effects were completely different from what Yuan Pan had experienced.

Unlike Yuan Pan who grew bigger in size, the laboratory rat had not shown any of such signs.

Could it be due to the rules of the game world?

At that thought, An Wen got up to look for Yuan Pan. He wanted him to eat several fruits at home so that he could find out if there would be any effects.

"Eh... Yuan Pan, you're here? Here, eat this fruit."

When he saw Yuan Pan, he picked up the fruit on the table to give it to Yuan Pan and smiled gently.


The expression on Yuan Pan's face suddenly turned grim with horror. His shell visibly trembled twice before he turned around and 'ran' away quickly.

An Wen was baffled.

What's going on?

Why is Yuan Pan running away? Didn't he like to eat these fruits the most?

Forget it, I'm not going to care about it.

An Wen went to his computer and began searching for equipment for machine mining, metal smelting, and industrial processing.

After searching for more than 10 minutes, he started feeling dizzy.

More than half an hour later, he swiftly quit the webpage - there was no need to read any further.

From mining, which was the very first process of an industrial system, there were already many different types of equipment needed. After mining was the sorting process, which also required a variety of equipment, and following that was smelting which involved an even greater number of large equipment. Furthermore, in terms of industrial processing, there were several types of machine tools and equipment required, to the point that one would end up dizzy just by looking through all of them.

"No guns, no cannons, the enemy will... No, I need to make them myself, I have all of the required materials anyway."

An Wen did not intend to purchase all the equipment he needed this time. Instead, he was prepared to make them himself.

It was not that he had insufficient money, but that it would be too noticeable by others.

What are you buying smelting furnaces for?

What are you buying all the various types of machine tools for?

What are you buying large mining machinery for?

If An Wen bought any equipment, he had to have a logical explanation for his purchase. After all, he could not possibly be buying them simply to store them in his warehouse, no?

Air-powered excavation tools could be sold wholesale or in retail, and they were small and inconspicuous items.

Large industrial equipment was the opposite; at the least, he had to own a factory.

Would he acquire a factory so that he could purchase the equipment?

No, he had not been blinded by money yet - he did not have enough money to block his vision.

Indeed, he had 200 million yuan worth of cash on him, which seemed to be a large amount.

However, for him to step into the industrial sector, and especially the heavy industry, he would need much more than that. 200 million yuan might not even be able to buy him a factory, much less the required equipment.

"I'm thinking slightly too far ahead, I should construct the blacksmith store first before considering what's next."

He ate his lunch at noon.

Traveling to the other world, An Wen intended to work out in the time before daybreak there.


He retrieved a fruit from the warehouse and took a bite.


Indeed, the food tasted delicious. It was extremely sweet and juicy, and its juice spurted out upon biting into it.

After eating the fruit, An Wen waited for some time but did not feel any difference.

He could not possibly stab himself with a knife to experiment.

"I'm speechless."

The fruit was useless to him since he did not gain any benefits after eating it.

"That's good too. I can eat it like an ordinary fruit instead."

He ate two more such fruits before starting his work out.

One hour later...

An Wen found that his body had more energy than any other day.

It had been one hour since he started working out, and he would usually feel slightly fatigued by then, even with the beneficial effects of the fitness center's attributes.

That day, however, he did not feel the slightest sense of fatigue. He felt as if he had only just finished warming up.

"This must be the effect of the fruit, though it isn't very useful."

An Wen muttered. He continued working out.

After the sun rose, he fetched Yuan Pan from the other world.

"Let's go, we'll build a blacksmith store today," An Wen told Yuan Pan.

Yuan Pan nodded his head readily without even making any demands.

Seeing Yuan Pan being so obedient, An Wen smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll reward you with fruits after the blacksmith store is completed."

An Wen had thought that Yuan Pan would be elated upon hearing that.


When Yuan Pan heard that, it's shell started trembling visibly and he shook his head vigorously.


Upon seeing Yuan Pan's reaction, An Wen pursed his lips, speechless.

"You like to eat them, but now, you don't want them. Let's go, it's time to get down to work."

Following behind An Wen, Yuan Pan's mind was completely filled with the wretched appearance of the laboratory rat he saw in the morning, and he could almost hear its miserable cries.

It's too horrifying!

Subsequently, when he was constructing the building with An Wen, he acted extraordinarily obedient.

To which, however, An Wen did not have any inkling.

After all, constructing a building was too simple for him. It was not a challenge at all.

Even without Yuan Pan's help, he would still be able to construct it well.

As such, the importance of Yuan Pan was completely unseen in constructing the building.

More than half an hour later, the blacksmith store was completed.

A dull golden glow flashed.

An Wen knew that it was yet another 'epic' grade building.

He tapped on the attribute list of the blacksmith store.

"Building: Fully Equipped Blacksmith Store"

"Grade: Epic"

"Attributes: Forging Efficiency +60%, Smelting Efficiency +60%, Weapon Quality +75%, Durability +50%"

"Special Effect: Metallic Minerals Forging Skills List Activated"

"Income: 120,000 Survival Points / Hour"

An Wen quickly scanned through the attributes of the blacksmith store, then looked at the words 'Metallic Minerals Forging Skills List'.

He took a deep breath.

He tapped on the list.

Instantly, neatly-arranged rows of icons appeared in front of An Wen's eyes.

"This is slightly..."