The Forgotten Major

The young lady turned and glanced at the man who had walked up to her. However, instead of making way for the young man, she smiled and politely refused.

"Thank you but I can do it myself. Don't worry."

The young lady casually put the suitcase down and pushed it under the bunk.

As the young lady pushed her suitcase under the bunk, she naturally had to bend over and the man stared at her from the back.

The young lady quickly put away all her luggage, took off her heels and headed directly to her berth.

Then, the man put down his briefcase and stood in the middle of the room. His eyes swept across the room and looked at the pregnant woman, then at Qin Yang, before looking at the young lady again.

The man wanted to start a conversation with the young lady but she had already taken out a tablet and was focused on watching the video that was playing. It was obvious that she did not want to talk to anyone.

The man was a little unhappy about it and looked at the pregnant woman. She gave him a friendly smile but he was not interested in talking with a pregnant woman. So, he turned his attention to Qin Yang.

"What's your name, little brother? Judging from your age, you're a college student?"

Qin Yang gently put down his book and smiled. "My name is Qin Yang. I'm in freshman year and I'm on my way to campus."

The man smiled and said, "My name is Zhang Bin. Which university do you go to?"

Qin Yang casually replied, "Zhonghai University."

Then, Zhang Bin commented, "Zhonghai University is considered a famous school with a long history. However, for the past few decades, the university's status seemed to be getting worse. It has fallen from a first-class university to a second-class university and even the school spirit seems a little messed up. "

Zhang Bin paused for a moment and his eyes naturally fell on the young lady who was next to him. He noticed that her eyes had left the tablet and were looking at him. It was clear that she was listening to him. He suddenly felt proud of himself but he still tried to control his own facial expressions.

"I grew up in Zhonghai and I am currently a small executive in a publicly listed company that is in charge of dozens of people. I go on a lot of business trips and I know quite a bit about the local affairs in Zhonghai. Although the university's standard has fallen, it still has a good foundation in certain majors. By the way, what is your major? "

Qin Yang didn't want to continue the conversation with Zhang Bin. He knew that Zhang Bin wasn't actually interested in talking to him but he was just using this as a way to flirt with the young lady beside him. Or else why would he mention his position and the number of people that were working under him?

'Hmph…A small executive?'

As he saw the man was deliberately trying to be humble, Qin Yang thought to himself, 'Such an act. This is definitely not how you try to act humble.'

He was just trying to show off in front of this good-looking lady.

Although Qin Yang saw through Zhang Bin's intentions, he did not want to expose him as Zhang Bin was still being polite and it would be unreasonable to just give him the cold shoulder.

"Major, uh, I'm not sure though..."

Zhang Bin froze for a moment and then said with a smile, "Little brother, you don't know what you are majoring in? How is that possible? Are you joking about being a university student?"

This time, not only Zhang Bin was laughing at Qin Yang but even the pregnant woman and the young lady at the top bunk were also staring at him. Their eyes were a bit puzzled. How could anyone not know what major they applied for?

If Zhang Bin was the only one who was curious, Qin Yang might be too lazy to explain himself but with the other two who were also looking at him, Qin Yang felt the need to explain himself or else they might think that he is a liar. 

Qin Yang reached out and pulled out an acceptance letter from his bag that was next to him. After opening it, he took a look at it first before replying to Zhang Bin. "English major."

Qin Yang didn't really read the acceptance letter carefully because he only received it today from the old man. He glanced through it and directly threw it in his bag without reading through it carefully.

It's not that Qin Yang was a careless person but it was mainly because he wasn't even interested in going to university. He has been in the society for so many years and has been through life and death situations. He felt that it would be difficult for him to integrate into university life again. Plus, isn't studying a pain in the ass?

However, attending Zhonghai University was not his decision but his master's. He has promised to do two things for his master before becoming an apprentice. One of them was to study at Zhonghai University. He was told that his master had also gone to the same university but because of some incident, he was forced to drop out of school. The result of these events had made him regretful for life and so he wanted his apprentice to make up for the regret of his life.

At the same time, his master believed that in this era, not attending college would mean that his life was imperfect. Before this, he was being ruthless when he threw Qin Yang into the Dragon Group which had hindered his childhood for several years and this was an attempt to make it up to Qin Yang.

The school was decided by Qin Yang's master but the major was selected by the old man that was in charge of the Dragon Group because he was the one who got Qin Yang the acceptance letter. He didn't even ask for Qin Yang's opinion.

That's right, not even a single word.

Qin Yang thought about it himself and believed that the old man had his reason for choosing an English major. After all, Qin Yang always had missions abroad and it just wasn't right if he didn't know any foreign language. In one of his previous missions with the Lightning Squad, compared to Qin Yang who absolutely had no talent in foreign languages, it was Peony who knew three different foreign languages.

Perhaps the old man thought he should learn more foreign languages so that he could smoothly carry out his missions. After all, most members would have to complete missions by themselves and would be dealing with people from all around the world. If they can't understand what the other person was saying, how would they complete the missions?

Plus, even if Qin Yang entered into commerce, finance or management, would he be able to understand it? And after graduating, would he really be engaged in finance and management?

Zhang Bin took Qin Yang's acceptance letter and carefully looked through it. His expression was a little strange. "This is real but it's just weird. How can you not remember what major you applied for?"

Qin Yang touched his nose and had a helpless expression. "I hadn't thought about it for a while. I... have a bad memory."


Before Zhang Bin could say anything, the young lady on the other upper berth suddenly laughed.

Her smile was bright and beautiful like peach blossoms.