We Admit Defeat

Gao Ziyun stopped, looked at Qin Yang who was standing in front of him, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Are you from the Taekwondo Club?"

Qin Yang shook his head and stared at the young man who had just recorded the video. "Delete the video now."

The young man sneered, "Who are you? Why should I delete it just because you tell me to?"

Qin Yang quietly said, "Sun Xiaodong is my roommate."

"Sun Xiaodong?"

Gao Ziyun turned around and pointed to Sun Xiaodong. "Him?"

Qin Yang lightly nodded. "I'm not from the Taekwondo Club, so I don't want to intervene in the grudges between the Sanda Club and the Taekwondo Club. But after beating up these people, you still had to record a video to humiliate them. That's overkill."

Gao Ziyun laughed and said, "I understand, are you going to stand up for your roommate?"

Qin Yang nodded. "Yes."

Gao Ziyun asked with great interest. "So you can fight then? More powerful than your red-black belt roommate?"

Qin Yang smiled. "Yes."

The expression on Gao Ziyun's face became slightly cold. "What if I don't delete it?"

Qin Yang's face remained calm. "If you don't delete it, I'm afraid you won't be able to get out of this door. Plus, recording a video is not a specialty that only you can do."

After Qin Yang's words came out, all of the people in the Sanda Club, including Gao Ziyun, were angered. A young man came forward and scolded, "Yo, you're confident, aren't you? You're planning to beat us all by yourself? You think you're Chen Zhen[1]?"

Qin Yang didn't look at him. He continued to stare at Gao Ziyun and said, "You guys finally managed to win over some dignity today. I'm telling you to delete the video right now. Otherwise, you will lose face again, and this time, you won't be able to pick it back up."

Gao Ziyun coldly snorted, "Dignity is something that is earned and not given by others. Since you dare to intervene, you must have some capabilities. Tiger, show him something!"

A young man walked out, and without saying a word, he immediately rushed directly toward Qin Yang and punched toward Qin Yang's face.

Qin Yang slightly leaned to his side, then grabbed the young man's wrist and twisted the young man's hand behind his back. The young man could only feel a strong force that he couldn't resist causing him to involuntarily turn in a circle, falling under Qin Yang's control.

Qin Yang didn't plan to hurt him, so he gently pushed him, and the young man involuntarily stumbled toward the front, returning to Gao Ziyun's side as if he hadn't come out at all.

The expressions of several Sanda members changed at the same time. Although Qin Yang hadn't hurt Tiger, he had managed to restrain Tiger with one neat move. This was not something just anyone can do.

Gao Ziyun's face was solemn. "A still tongue makes a wise head, you really are an expert!"

Qin Yang smiled, but he did not speak. Instead, he reached out and gestured at Gao Ziyun to come out. He knew that the fight with Gao Ziyun could not be avoided.

Gao Ziyun walked out in front of Qin Yang, raised his fists, and intently stared at Qin Yang. His attitude was much more serious than when he was fighting against Xiong Feng and Sun Xiaodong.

Gao Ziyun approached a little closer, and then suddenly punched out and kicked his leg. Following this was a series of attacks that was quick and heavy like a torrential rain, making everyone watching feel suffocated.

Qin Yang's feet moved about, his hands blocking and countering the moves, as he easily fended off all the attacks by Gao Ziyun.

Qin Yang's movements did not seem to be fast, but they were extremely efficient and exhibited a sense of beauty that was pleasing to the eye.

Li Siqi tightly clenched both her fists, her eyes wide open and staring looking at the people in the fight. She held her breath, and her heart seemed to be jumping out of her throat.

In contrast, He Tianfeng and Lin Zhu appeared excited. Both of them had seen Qin Yang fight before. Although this Gao Ziyun was powerful, they were sure he was absolutely no match for Qin Yang. Therefore, they were only excited, not worrying about Qin Yang at all!

The members of the Taekwondo Club were watching the scene with surprise. Xiong Feng's expression was complicated. The Taekwondo Club's dignity had been completely smashed by the Sanda Club. If that video was spread around, they would be left in shame. But now, there seemed to be a turning point in this matter?

Before this, Xiong Feng had completely ignored the opinions of He Tianfeng and his companions and had directly kicked them out of Sun Xiaodong's Taekwondo show for the reason that they weren't professional enough. He hadn't expected Qin Yang to stand up for them now and ask Gao Ziyun to delete the video.

This was so embarrassing.

Sun Xiaodong clenched his fists, his face full of excitement. Boss was standing up for him!

Sun Xiaodong could accept having been beaten down by Gao Ziyun because his opponent was indeed very powerful and he was indeed no match for him, but when these people had recorded the video, the act had deeply hurt his self-esteem. If this video were to be spread around, how would he live his university life with dignity?

Although all of them had just entered university, Sun Xiaodong knew that Qin Yang was definitely a capable person. This was something that everyone in Room 306 acknowledged. As long as Qin Yang intervened, there was nothing he could not solve!

Qin Yang suddenly reached out and grabbed Gao Ziyun's wrist. Then, he abruptly moved forward, his shoulders pressed against Gao Ziyun's chest, and suddenly exerted force, causing Gao Ziyun's burly figure to suddenly fly up and then neatly slam onto the ground from Qin Yang's over-the-shoulder throw.

It was a hard fall, and Gao Ziyun was left dizzy and disoriented. He struggled a bit, but he could not manage to get up for a while, making him look rather helpless.

The expressions of the other young people in the Sanda Club changed. Gao Ziyun was their vice president who was considered to be an expert among them. But now, he had been so easily thrown over by someone?

 "Let's do it together!"

A young man shouted, and all of the members of the Sanda Club immediately approached and surrounded Qin Yang.


Sun Xiaodong shouted. He squeezed his fists and rushed toward Qin Yang, but after he running only a few steps, he stopped and looked forward with astonishment.

Qin Yang was kicking his leg!

Just as the Sanda Club member in the front approached Qin Yang, Qin Yang's roundhouse kick directly hit the young man's waist. With that, the young man flew out to the side for a whole two meters!

Qin Yang landed, then took a step forward. His right foot raised again, bringing up a strong wind, and his leg swept toward the second person's neck.

It was too late for the young man to avoid the attack, and he could only stand rooted as the swinging leg came toward him. The strong wind from the movement of Qin Yang's leg blew his hair up, but the foot stopped abruptly just before his neck.

Cold sweat suddenly emerged from his back. This foot was so fast and so powerful! He had no doubt that if he had been kicked, his neck would have instantly snapped with a 'crack!'

Qin Yang slowly withdrew his feet and coldly said, "Did you guys practice martial arts to bully the weak? And if you can't defeat them by yourself, you beat them by numbers?"

"Stop it!"

Gao Ziyun shouted, still lying on the ground, and then struggled as he stood up. His gaze toward Qin Yang had gained some hints of admiration.

The two kicks that Qin Yang had done just now had scared him.

There was a great power within them that even brought about sounds of a strong wind, suggesting the unimaginable and terrifying speed of these kicks! What was even more terrifying was his control, being able to stop as he wished at such speed. This was definitely not what an average person could do.

At least, Gao Ziyun couldn't do it himself.

He was a master!

Gao Ziyun stood up, rubbed his waist, and turned his head with a grimace. "Zhao Qing, delete the video. We admit defeat!"

T/N: [1] Chen Zhen is a fictional character created by Hong Kong writer Ni Kuang. First portrayed by Bruce Lee in the 1972 film Fist of Fury, the character has been the subject of numerous film and television series, including remakes and adaptations of Fist of Fury.