The School Belle is a Career Women

"No way!"

Qin Yang shook his head with no hesitation. His attitude was very definite and firm.

Li Siqi's eyes widened. She put her hands on her hips, and her face showed an expression of disbelief. "Hey, Qin Yang! I am a beauty with a shapely figure and a gorgeous face. Which part of me is not good enough? Don't you know you're humiliating me by being so determined to reject me?"

Qin Yang laughed. "You're just kidding anyway, stop making it seem as if you were serious about it."

Li Siqi retorted, "Hmph, even if I'm kidding, can't you just satisfy my vanity? And what if I'm serious?"

Qin Yang's face was full of contempt. "Haha… sure."

Qin Yang was not at all convinced by Li Siqi's words. They had only met twice, how could she fall in love with him so easily?

Qin Yang did believe that Li Siqi must have developed a certain liking for him. If she hadn't, she would not have come to find him, but to say that she was in love with him, please, today was not April Fools' Day.

As for pursuing Li Siqi, Qin Yang was not interested in dating right now. If he had to say that she was beautiful, then wasn't Han Qingqing equally gorgeous too? Not to mention that Han Qingqing was in the same class as him. Wouldn't it be more convenient to pursue her instead? At least they could stay together all day while dating.

Li Siqi sighed, "Sigh, I'm screwed. I thought I'm as beautiful as Aphrodite, but it turns out that I can't even conquer a little boy who's still a freshman. I'm such a failure!"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "As far as your acting skills are concerned, you obviously still have to put in more effort. It's not easy to become a well-known celebrity."

When she heard Qin Yang making fun of her, Li Siqi could no longer continue her act and laughed, "Don't underestimate me, I just haven't taken it seriously. Next time, I will do it seriously and show you some real skills!"

Qin Yang suddenly felt distressed. "Yes, of course you can do better than this, but can you at least perform something a little more normal. You have to consider my feelings as the audience, right?"

Li Siqi said with a mischievous smile, "That is not up to you! If you can't resist, then be obedient and submit to me!"

Qin Yang smiled. "When I saw you on the train, I thought you were cold and mature. But now, I realize I was wrong."

Li Siqi replied, "We were all unfamiliar with each other at that time, so I naturally had to be a little cold. Otherwise, that annoying Zhang Bin would keep coming at me. Now, we are more familiar, so of course, I don't have to keep a cold face. Who likes keeping a cold face all day long?"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Well, that sounds reasonable. There's still sometime before dinner, where do you want to go?"

Li Siqi shook her head. "Let's just find a place to sit. I have walked too much today, and I can't walk any longer."

Qin Yang nodded. "Okay, let's go to the shop in front then. I'll treat you to a drink, and there are also some snacks like mashed potatoes if I remember correctly."

Li Siqi's eyes lit up. "Oh! I love mashed potatoes!"

Qin Yang and Li Siqi bought some drinks and mashed potatoes at the shop, and then sat on a stool outside the shop to rest.

Suddenly, there was a sound of a car engine behind them as they were talking. Qin Yang turned around just in time to see a tall young woman coming out of the driver's seat of a white BMW that was parked right outside the shop.

The young woman appeared to be in her twenties and she looked at a student, but her apparel was quite mature, with long wavy hair, a black blouse, black trousers, black high heels, a small suit, and sunglasses on her face. She was also holding a delicate handbag in her hand.

Normally, it would be peculiar to see the outfit of an office lady on such a young girl, but once she got off the car and stood there, she projected a high-wattage aura and stood out among the crowd like a crane among chickens. It was as if she was the center of the world, and it seemed natural that everything should revolve around her. There was surprisingly nothing inappropriate about this.

The young woman took off her sunglasses, and everyone's gazes froze for a moment. Even though Li Siqi was also a woman, her eyes lit up as well, and she exclaimed in a low voice, "She's so gorgeous! Who is this woman, she looks like a student?"

Qin Yang had also just entered Zhonghai University. How would he know who this woman was?

Just as he was about to answer, a boy with glasses who was next to them overheard Li Siqi's question, and perhaps he wanted to show off in front of a beauty, or maybe he was purely enthusiastic to help, but he quickly interjected, "You're both freshmen, aren't you? Otherwise, it is impossible for anyone to not recognize her..."

Qin Yang blinked. "Yes, we are freshmen. Is she a student at our school? Is she famous?"

The boy in glasses nodded and looked at the figure in front of him with fiery eyes. "Of course she is. She is the most famous female student at Zhonghai University, no one else can surpass her!"

Qin Yang's eyes widened. "That's impressive!"

"Her name is Wen Yuyan, a third year student majoring in economics. She is the recognized school belle of Zhonghai University. Not only is she super beautiful, but her IQ is also extremely high. It is said to reach an astonishing 148!"


Qin Yang was also taken aback. That was impressive indeed. After all, the normal IQ of ordinary people was only about 100, and the IQs of many talented people who had attained great achievements in certain professional fields often did not exceed 140. For example, the IQ of the world's best Go player, Lee Chang-ho, is 139. For Wen Yuyan's IQ to reach 148 was unimaginable.

The tone of the boy was full of unabashed admiration and envy. "Although she is only a third year university student, she has already completed all of the university courses by herself, and she started a company when she was just a freshman. Now that three years have passed, she has already gained her company hundreds of thousands of assets, and she rarely comes to school now. Oh yes, you should have heard of the two largest clubs in school, the Dragon Club and the Elite Alliance Club?"

Qin Yang nodded. "Yes, I've heard about them. Is she a member of the Dragon Club or the Elite Alliance Club?"

The boy in glasses showed his disdain, "How could she be just an ordinary member?! She is the president of the Elite Alliance Club!"

Qin Yang was taken aback again. Although he didn't know much about the Dragon Club and the Elite Alliance Club, he knew that their members were rich and powerful. And that once the members were gathered together, they would form a great force. And this young lady with a powerful presence turned out to be the president of the Elite Alliance Club?

 "That's amazing!"

Li Siqi's eyes brightened, and after exclaiming her admiration, her eyes fell on Qin Yang. "Qin Yang, I think she seems to be a little more powerful than you."

Qin Yang smiled wryly. "I don't have such a high IQ to begin with. I'm just an ordinary person, how can I compare myself to such an incredible person? Isn't that just making my own life miserable?"

Li Siqi smiled and said, "Don't sell yourself short. You are also very powerful. She's such a beautiful and talented woman that even I, as a woman, am tempted. Sadly, I'm not a man, otherwise, I would go after her. Would you like to try?"

Qin Yang rolled his eyes at Li Siqi. "Are you worried that I won't die a horrible death? You keep digging up graves for me…"