We Have Men in Our Class


Li Siqi did not spit out her drink, but the boy who was sitting next to them did.

"Dude, that is the most pretentious sentence I have ever heard!"

Qin Yang smiled calmly and said, "You flatter me, I was just telling the truth!"

The boy gave Qin Yang a thumbs up in admiration. It was impossible for anyone to say something like that with such confidence.

Although Li Siqi hadn't spit out her drink, she couldn't stop laughing.

"Qin Yang, I've realized that you're not only very thick-skinned, but you also have a big ego. How can you say that..."

Qin Yang smiled, picked up the drink, and raised it as if he were toasting. "Anything to make you happy."

Li Siqi nodded seriously. "Although I know that you're just bullsh*tting, I'm still really happy. Well, I guess if you put your heart into coaxing the girls, you're quite good at it."

At this moment, a black Audi came out of the campus and stopped right beside the white BMW. A young man with a height of at least 1.8 meters came out of the car and looked at Wen Yuyan with earnest eyes. "President..."

"Wow, it's the Guardian Knight!"

"It is said that when there is Wen Yuyan, you will also see Yu Wentao. I guess it's true!"

"He's so handsome, I'm infatuated! Why can't Wen Yuyan just accept him?"

"If only I had such a guardian knight!"

"You, haha, fluff your pillow a little higher at night and you will in your dreams."

There were many shops in this place, thus there were also a lot of students around. Upon seeing this scene, everyone around them started discussing it.

Qin Yang looked at this Yu Wentao. He was tall, well-proportioned, and handsome. He was dressed in a shirt, casual pants, and shoes, and looked very gorgeous.

"He's pretty handsome."

Li Siqi finished her drink and looked at Yu Wentao. She smiled while commenting, then turned to look at Qin Yang. "Don't be sad, you look good as well; at least, you have a nose and a pair of eyes..."

Qin Yang was amused by Li Siqi's words. "Are you trying to comfort me?"

Li Siqi hummed, "At least you have someone to comfort you. Don't be too picky!"

Qin Yang was speechless. "I guess I should be thankful, haha."

At the curb, Wen Yuyan took the folder that Yu Wentao handed over, put on her sunglasses, then walked back into her car. Then, the white BMW left.

Yu Wentao stood by the side of the road and watched the white car leave. He kept watching the BMW as it left the school gate and took a turn at the corner until it completely disappeared from his line of sight. He then turned back to his car and immediately left. This scene immediately got the students talking about him again.

"He's such an affectionate man!"

"There are many other beautiful girls who like Yu Wentao as well, but he only has eyes for Wen Yuyan and loves her with every fiber of his being. I really envy her."

"Yeah, it's so infatuating. It's been two years since they were freshmen."

Li Siqi withdrew her eyes and smiled. "I made the right choice to come here for a drink. Otherwise, I would have missed a big show. I'm glad I came today."

Qin Yang smiled and was about to speak when his cell phone suddenly rang, it was Sun Xiaodong, which meant that he was already done.

Qin Yang looked at the time and said, "You still have to go back to your campus, so we should have dinner earlier. Let's have hot pot as a welcoming ceremony for you."

Li Siqi smiled and said, "It will already be late after dinner, and it's not safe for a beauty like me to walk back alone. Will you send me back to school then?"

Qin Yang slightly smiled. "That's why we should have an early dinner so that it won't be too late for you to walk back alone."

The smile on Li Siqi's face suddenly froze. "You ruthless b*tch!"


Since everyone agreed to having hot pot for dinner, all of them arrived at the restaurant at stated time except for He Tianfeng who only walked in after all the first round.

"I'm sorry I'm late. Ms. Xue was talking to me and the class monitor about Freshman Night..."

Qin Yang handed the dip to He Tianfeng and smiled. "Are you guys ready?"

He Tianfeng smiled and said, "It's almost done. In fact, only the skit has to be rehearsed. The other performances like folk dances and piano solos will be their own effort so they won't need any rehearsals, but Ms. Xue said that we should work harder and defeat Class 3...'"

Sun Xiaodong strangely asked, "Why are you singling out Class 3?"

He Tianfeng poured himself a glass of beer and drank it in one breath before explaining, "When Ms. Xue was saying it, I felt that something was wrong. Later on, when we asked her, Ms. Xue said that she had a little conflict with the Class 3 homeroom teacher, Zheng Mei, from before, so the relationship between the both of them is quite stiff. Zheng Mei, who is older, used her seniority as an advantage and was purposely being hard on Ms. Xue..."

"Just like Freshman Night. It so happens that someone from Class 3 also registered to have a piano solo. It is said that he has participated in a lot of piano competitions, so he's very good at it. Zheng Mei found out that Han Qingqing also has a piano solo performance and was mocking Ms. Xue about it, saying that not everyone can play the piano. She was saying all sorts of things to try and bring down our class ."

Everyone was shocked, and Sun Xiaodong asked in a displeasing tone, "Isn't she being petty about it?"

He Tianfeng sighed, then said, "If students can have disputes with one another, why can't the teachers? As long as there are people, they will be conflicts."

Qin Yang asked in a worried tone, "What piano level is Han Qingqing at? What about that boy?"

He Tianfeng smiled and said, "I've discussed this with Han Qingqing, Han Qingqing said that she's only an amateur at it since she only played it as a hobby, but the boy from Class 3 is professionally trained and has participated in multiple professional competitions. He's absolutely at a professional level. It looks like our class is going to lose at the piano solo."

Qin Yang frowned. "Does Han Qingqing know this?"

He Tianfeng nodded. "Well, I've talked to her about it. She said that no matter how powerful others are, she just wanted to do something for the class. She will still play no matter what the result is."

Qin Yang smiled and exclaimed, "Our beautiful straight-A student is being so tolerant about this! Well, even if Han Qingqing's piano skills are not on a professional level, she's still good looking. It doesn't really matter what she'll be doing as long as she's good on the eyes, so I'm sure she won't lose that badly. Third Brother, make sure you put on a good show. Let's show them who's boss!"

He Tianfeng also said aloud, "You're right, the beauty of our class is being bullied. You, as the sports committee of our class, have to stand up and give them a good wake up call. Let them know that no one can bully the girls in our class!"