Just Because Of That Last Look

System, who was flying, gradually stopped.

"No clouds? Then why would there be snow?"

Although it was snowing non-stop, the afternoon temperature was still quite warm. These snowflakes slowly melted as they fell. When they landed on the dead leaves or plants on the ground, they completely melted into water.

System flapped his wings and flew higher into the sky, as he wanted to find the reason the sudden snow was formed.

Be it rain or snow, they were both a form of water. Thus, the fact it was snowing while the sky was clear was extremely abnormal.

Even when the snowflakes fell, the afternoon temperature did not change much. On the contrary, it was even much warmer than when System had flown into the clouds for the first time.

There was no wind in the forest today, and even high up in the sky, the wind was not strong. Although the snowflakes would hinder his wings, the suitable temperature allowed System to fly thousands of meters into the sky without consuming too much stamina.

After flying for 1,000 meters into the sky, System discovered the truth of the formation of snowflakes.

System felt a special aura, it was weak but deep, and there was a hint of coldness. As that aura circulated in the air, ice crystals would unbelievably be formed in the air.

When the ice crystals condensed to a certain weight, then they would start falling. Also, when falling, the ice crystals would condense further and gradually form snowflakes of different shapes.

Meanwhile, in the process of falling, the snowflakes would also start to melt gradually due to the temperature.

System, who was hovering in the air, stretched out his tentacle to grasp a newly-formed ice crystal and put it into his mouth to taste.

Besides it being slightly cold, System did not taste anything special from that ice crystal. It was like normal water, but at the same time, different.

System realized his EXP bar increased slightly after eating the ice crystal. Evidently, the ice crystals contained some kind of special energy.

"Is it possible that the snow in this world is formed like this?"

Presently, System's plan and development were going smoothly, but he had overlooked that he was in a world filled with magical powers.

The law of nature might still be applicable, but definitely could not be followed completely.

Because of the first snow created by magical powers, it informed System that winter had already arrived. It was more than two months earlier from the first snow System had estimated, and it completely messed up his plans subsequently.

Currently, it was not realistic to control the slimes to attack the ant nest, as if this snow continued, the weather would definitely turn colder and colder.

Insects were cold-blooded, meaning they were unable to survive in the cold outside.

When the blood in their body froze into ice, what awaited insects would be death.

System could only return with his fastest speed and order Shava to control the worker ants to move as much food to his temporary nest before the weather turned freezing. Then they would spend the winter in the temporary nest.

System flapped his wings and decided to return immediately. He had to make Shava control the worker ants and start moving the food as fast as possible.

Meanwhile, in the forest that System scanned below him, he inadvertently noticed a strange scene. It was that Goblin village, which was over 10 kilometers away from him.

On the pathway near to the Goblin village, five young and strong Goblins let out an excited expression as they were pulling a cart filled with food back. Meanwhile, on that cart, System discovered the corpses of three Gnolls.

The corpses of those Gnolls were covered in a layer of white ice crystals—they were frozen to death.

"Could it be the Lord of… Glaciers?"

System looked at the glacier mountains a few kilometers away, which could be vaguely seen. He connected the three frozen Gnolls and the sudden snow falling in this forest, speculating it might all be due to that Lord of Glaciers, which the Goblins worshiped.

"Alas, after it turns cold in winter, how are those Goblins going to survive?"

The Goblins were dressed in rags, and their living conditions were extremely poor. Thus, System could not imagine how the Goblins were going to survive in the winter.

The Lord of Glaciers might have taken them under his wings, but was worshipping the Lord of Glaciers really a wise choice?

System stopped thinking and increased the speed of his flapping wings to return to his nest.

As snow fell continuously, System could feel that the temperature had decreased slightly. The time left for him to prepare for winter was already running out.

However, just as System was in the process of flying downward, he suddenly heard a mysterious and low sound. The volume was not loud, but that sound seemed to be right beside his ear.

That sound did not seem to be made by humans—it seemed more like the roar of an animal, like a tiger or bear. However, on second thought, it was completely different.

It seemed to be the sound made by a creature that System had not come in contact with in his previous life.


As that sound echoed once again, System could see a huge figure from the direction of the glacier mountains. That creature suddenly appeared in the sky a few hundred kilometers away and was casually flying. If System guessed correctly, then such a creature should be a—dragon.

It had huge wings. Its silvery-white dragon scales seemed to be covered in a layer of blue ice crystals, its mouth was tightly closed and revealed a majestic expression. In System's previous life, the so-called dragons were a part of western mythology.

The huge dragon's body was long. It was about 20 meters from head to tail, and even just looking from afar, System could see that the dragon's body was filled with beauty.

Even System, who had strong self-control, could not help but take a few more looks.

As System was observing the dragon's body, he could feel his blood slightly churning.

The dragon was a higher life form, and even though they were a few hundred kilometers apart, an unbelievable pressure was exerted on System's body.

System speculated that even the fearless ants would not have the courage to get close to this dragon if it appeared.

As that dragon appeared, System could feel that the sky was becoming colder and colder. It seemed like the culprit that had caused the snow in the forest was that Frost Dragon.

"Is it possible that this dragon is the Lord of Glaciers the Goblins worshiped?"

System took one last look at the flying dragon in the distance before deciding to ignore it and concentrate on settling his matters.

However, it was that last look that caused unimaginable trouble for System.

System saw the silver-white scales on the dragon—each scale was larger than his body.

System observed the horns on the head of the dragon, the white gas that would be ejected out from its nose from time to time, and that pair of ice blue and platinum pupils…

The Frost Dragon's eyes betrayed that it had intelligence, that was something System missed very much.

However, in the process of looking at the dragon's eyes, System realized that the dragon's eyes seemed to have slightly turned, and they exchanged gazes.

As System was observing the dragon from afar, the dragon also discovered him.

System's heart started thumping vigorously. He realized that the dragon, which was still in his line of sight, had suddenly disappeared.

After ten breaths of time, System still did not find a trace of the dragon, but his [Instinct] gave him an uneasy feeling.

In the next instant, just as System was still searching for the dragon, suddenly a huge dragon head appeared in front of System, with that pair of platinum-colored pupils…