His savings are at least 30 billion

"He called you BOSS?" Gong mo asked, " isn't he the president of Star Entertainment? Why is it your subordinate again?"

because I bought Star Entertainment and he's working for me.


The helicopter started to land after flying for ten minutes.

Gong mo looked out of the window and saw a patch of grass below. The runway and tarmac were on the grass.

After getting off the plane, a row of cars drove over from the grass.

Gong mo looked around and didn't know where he was. The grass was so wide that it was almost boundless. She and Sheng nanxuan got into the car in the front, while the others followed behind.

The scenery outside was pretty good. Gong mo opened the window slightly. The wind blew and the smell of the grass made him feel refreshed.

Suddenly, a white shadow flew across the grass in the distance. "It's a White Horse!" She exclaimed in surprise.

Sheng nanxuan looked over. it's called moonlight. he said.