Chapter 89 find her!

Hmph Hmph Hmph! This was the price for daring to turn off his phone!

Sheng nanxuan closed the printed paper, turned around, and went to Gong Mo's study room. He placed the printed novel on her desk.

At this moment, the phone rang. Sheng nanxuan slowly walked into the dining room and looked at the caller ID on the landline-it was actually mother Yan?

He must have failed to get through to Gong Mo's phone and came to find him!

Why did Gong mo turn off his phone even if he was angry with me? Did she forget that mother Zhai called her every day to ask about her situation?

Sheng nanxuan picked up the phone and heard mother Yan's anxious voice."Nanxuan, what is Momo doing? Why is your phone off?"

"She's sleeping." Sheng nanxuan said, " my phone ran out of battery just now. It's charging and I forgot to turn it on.

Oh, Yingluo. her mother heaved a sigh of relief. you're at home? " Didn't you go to work?"