The search

Sheng nanxuan sat at the dining table. The food on the table was already cold. He picked up his phone and called Gong mo again, but he still couldn't get through.

Fang Yang finished his call on the balcony and walked in. “BOSS……”

"You found it?"

Fang Yang shook his head, afraid that he would get angry, so he quickly added, " "Lin Lei and CEng Shuai will be here soon."

Sheng nanxuan got up and walked into the living room. He sat on the sofa.

After a while, Lin Lei and Zeng Shuai rushed over, followed by Lin Jing, who could not be shaken off.

Lin Jing had no idea what they were going to do, but at the thought of being able to see Sheng nanxuan, she shamelessly followed them. The moment she saw Sheng nanxuan, she ran over and said happily, " "Nanxuan! Long time no see, how are you? My brother said this is your house? When did you move in? why didn't you tell me?"

"Jingjing!" Lin Lei growled, " come here and don't disturb nanxuan. Otherwise, you can go home!