Chapter 94

If he had known that she wouldn't come back, he would have shouted at her the moment she came back!

Sheng nanxuan took a deep breath, turned around, and walked into the dining room. He pulled out a chair and sat down. Then, he picked up the cold food and started to eat.

Gong mo looked at him and felt sorry for him. He walked over slowly and said, " "Yingluo, don't tell me you've been waiting for me to have lunch?"

"Who told you to be pregnant? Who told me to keep a gentleman's promise? I promised mom that I would take care of you, so how could I possibly starve you?"

"I'm, I'm sorry," Gong mo felt even more guilty. He reached out and tugged at his sleeve. shall I wash the dishes later? "

"There's a dishwasher at home, we don't need you."