You can only lose your temper at people close to you

Gong mo hesitated for a moment before nodding.

Sheng nanxuan held her hand. but don't look too much. Don't scare the child.

"Hurry up and translate!" Gong mo shouted at him.

"Yingluo, you're getting more and more fierce to me."

Gong mo was stunned.

Did I? She teased him,

Uh, this is not right. She could only lose her temper with people close to her. She was not familiar with him, so this was not very good!

Sheng nanxuan could not help but shake his head when he saw her conflicted expression.

This silly wife. They had known each other for many years! Even if she had forgotten about it for the time being, she would still subconsciously be attached to him.


A few days later, Sheng nanxuan handed the translated second novel to Gong mo.

"Have you ever thought of publishing them?" Gong mo asked.
