It's usually done by Nan Xuan

"Didn't you like what he said?"

"Who doesn't like to hear praise?" Zhen's mother said righteously, " but even good words can't deceive my heart! If he dares to treat you badly, I'll teach him a lesson!"

Gong mo was speechless and thought to himself, how are you going to deal with him? With his abilities, if he doesn't treat me well, we'll only be at a disadvantage.

At this thought, Gong mo frowned slightly. She and her mother had nothing. There was nothing for Sheng nanxuan to scheme against. He would not lie to her, would he?

After packing her luggage, mother Zhai took the ingredients she brought from home and prepared to make dinner.

"Let me do it!" Gong mo said. You've just arrived, how can I let you cook? I didn't call you here to cook!"

"Didn't you ask me to be your nanny?"

"I didn't say that."

"You said the same thing a few days ago!"