Meeting with Gong Bai

When Gong mo and the others arrived at the place where they had agreed to meet Gong Bai, he had already arrived.

"Second aunt!" Gong Bai immediately stood up from his seat.

Her mother nodded.

"Second aunt, please have a seat." He pulled out a chair for her.

Seeing that he was so respectful, her mother showed a sincere smile. "You too."

"Yes." Gong Bai agreed, but he did not sit down. Instead, he looked at Gong mo and Sheng nanxuan.

He sized up Gong mo for a while and touched his head. He said emotionally, " "I haven't seen you for a few years. I didn't expect you to be married."

Gong mo opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

Sheng nanxuan walked over, lifted Gong Bai's sleeve, and removed his hand from Gong Mo's head.

Gong mo and Gong Bai both looked at him in confusion.

"This is my wife. Don't touch her," he said while staring at Gong Bai coldly.

Gong mo choked and was speechless.