Sheng nanxuan's ambition

"Don't be afraid. A master in love didn't mean that he was fickle in love, but because he understood women very well and knew how to pursue them. And Italy men are very loyal, they'll pursue whoever they like to the end, infatuated and persistent."

"This bi an ..."

This was even more dangerous! If he really chased after his mother, wouldn't his mother be unable to escape his clutches?

"By the way, do you have any thoughts on the publication?" Sheng nanxuan asked.

"What idea?" Gong mo didn't understand.

"Should I look for a book Company or directly look for a publishing house? We can get the book number directly from the publishing house. This way, we can have more freedom and no book companies will interfere. But on the other hand, without a book Company, the book might not be able to be sold after it goes public."