Chapter 209 haunting

She was afraid that they were short of money. Seeing that they had never been frugal, sometimes she couldn't help but ask about their financial situation, but she held back. Thinking of Sheng nanxuan's background, even if he was not a rich young master now, he must have saved up a lot in the past, right? She really didn't need to worry.

"Alright then!" Her mother decided, " I won't go to any interest classes now. Sometimes I even have to accompany you to class!

Gong mo had to attend the mother-to-be classes regularly. Mother Zhai would accompany her every time. Sheng nanxuan had also been there a few times.

alright then ... Gong mo hugged her and said coquettishly, " if you don't want to go to the market, why don't we hire a part-time helper? " He asked her to help him buy groceries and clean the house. If you don't want to cook one day, you can ask her to cook."