How else should I address you?

Knock, knock, knock.

Someone was knocking on the door.

"Please come in," said her mother.

"Mrs. Jin, Mrs. Sheng." A nurse walked in and glanced outside. someone's here to visit you. Do you want to receive them? "

"Who is it?" Her mother stretched her neck.

The nurse made way, and a long leg appeared-it was a pair of suit pants and leather shoes. It was a man's outfit.

Then, that person appeared in his line of sight. It was Gambino.

Her mother's expression changed and she frowned in displeasure.

Gong mo looked at her and said in a low voice,"what love?"

Her mother blinked, not understanding what she was saying.

"You don't understand?" Gong mo finished his last few words.

Diana's mother understood and glared at her. Her resentment towards Gambino grew, so she turned her head and glared at Gambino again.

Gambino smiled apologetically, turned around, and took a fruit basket and a few boxes of tonics from his subordinate.