Act more like an uncle

"I still have to pick out my clothes and do my makeup, how would I have time? Tonight's dinner is related to my role in the next movie. Whether I can become famous or not depends on this opportunity! You want me to give up this opportunity for her?" Gong Mao asked aggressively.

Gong Bai took a deep breath. He couldn't stand her anymore.

He turned around and walked out, saying disappointedly, " "Then do as you wish!"

Gong Jie walked out of the room and saw that he had changed his shoes and left without saying a word. He was instantly furious.

She gritted her teeth and picked up her phone to call home.

"Mom, Gong mo is pregnant! Brother Xuxu went to see her! I already told him not to go, but he just had to go! I don't know how much money I've spent this time, but Yingluo usually can't even bear to ask him to buy me a dress. I'm going to a dinner party tonight, and it's a rare opportunity to meet the investor. I might be famous soon, Yingluo!"
