One-month-old baby

This woman was a scourge! If she was left alive, she would probably cause more trouble!

Sheng nanxuan really wanted to turn her into ashes. If only he was alone, he would not have to worry about retribution. He would not believe it at all!

However, things were different with Gong mo and their child.

He would rather believe it than not. This was what he thought.

Moreover, after meeting Master Tang, he thought that since Master Tang could predict some things, it meant that some superstitious things also existed.

Therefore, he did not dare to kill su mo now. It was because he loved Gong mo. The more he loved Gong mo, the more he was afraid that she would get hurt!

Sheng nanxuan squeezed his fingers, and his knuckles cracked.

He turned around and walked out. He took the coat handed to him by his subordinate and put it on. "Look after her."

After that day, Sheng nanxuan did not appear for a few days.