I'm afraid you'll be in pain

In a few days, the road conditions would become deserted.

The people of Beijing didn't like foreigners as they felt that they had taken away the resources they deserved. At this time, they would find that the city was built by foreigners.

Yu Xinran took out her car keys and said to Gong Bai,"Where do you live? I'll give you a ride."

"No need," Gong Bai said hurriedly.

Yu Xinran smiled and said,"why are you being so polite?" Didn't you give it to me before?"

"Yingluo is different." Gong Bai said in a low voice. He had taken a taxi to send her, but she had driven him. They were on completely different levels.

Yu Xinran pouted,"how is it different?" I wasn't polite to you when you paid the taxi fare, but now you're being polite to me?"

Gong Bai felt that he couldn't win her argument with reason, as her words were all crooked. He had no choice but to agree, " "Alright then, you can send him off."

Yu Xinran laughed and immediately walked towards the car.