Valentine's Day (2)

Gong mo picked up the child while Sheng nanxuan stood behind her. He felt bored after watching her for a while.

This kid had only been here for a month, and he couldn't even chat or make him laugh. How boring!

"Where do you want to go later?" he asked Gong mo.

Gong mo was stunned. He placed the child back on the bed and said with a red face,""How would I know? You can't leave the child alone for too long ~"

"Then we'll go out in the afternoon."

Gong mo hesitated for a while and said,"alright."

Valentine's Day was a must. He was so good to her, and she didn't want to dampen his spirits.

Sheng nanxuan laughed happily when he heard that.

When her mother came back, she brought a few chocolates for the nanny and the nanny. She said that they would also be spending Valentine's Day.

Gong mo couldn't help but laugh.

Mother Yan glared at her and said,"you have someone to give you!" Are you not allowing us to entertain ourselves?"