The truth investigation (1)

Everyone covered their noses and asked in a muffled voice, " "What's that smell?"

ah! the person in front jumped in shock. why is there water? "

Before the holidays, they had cleaned the swimming pool and drained it of all water.

The smell in the water was very pungent. Everyone covered their noses and slowly approached. They saw a mass of seaweed-like hair floating on the water. Under the hair, a human body could be vaguely seen.

ah! everyone screamed and peed their pants in fear.

W-there's a person in the water!

"Call, call the police!" A girl grabbed her colleague in front of her tightly.

The colleague in front of her closed his eyes and fainted.

Ten minutes later, a group of uniformed police officers rushed into the swimming pool.

The workers who found the bodies had all gathered in the hall. The unconscious ones had not woken up, and the female employees who were awake were crying. Although the male employees did not cry, their faces were pale.