Chapter 308-traced to Sheng nanxuan

Several police officers gathered in the swimming pool to collect the fingerprints on the books. The most important one was, of course,"corpse language."

However, in order to not let go of any possible clues, Gu Lei ordered the fingerprints of every book to be collected.

This was a huge project. After collecting the fingerprints, they had to distinguish and compare them.

After the fingerprints were collected, everyone returned to the police station.

Ling dang, who was left behind to look after the office, ran over. "Captain! Have you caught the murderer?"

"No, we're going to do a fingerprint analysis now." Gu Lei said with a headache, " ran ran, you ran ran, check the information related to that book!

"Received!" 'Ling dang' happily returned to her seat and took out 'corpse language' from her drawer. This was the book that she had bought herself.

Then, she turned on her computer and searched for news related to 'corpse language' on the internet.