Tang Xinxin is back

Sheng nanxuan ordered a set of rice in the restaurant below the office building. While waiting for the meal to be served, he called Gong mo and asked,""How was your day?"

it's pretty good ~"Gong mo said with a smile. I don't have to knit a scarf today. It's so relaxing.

Sheng nanxuan was silent for a moment before he whispered,""You've worked hard."

No. Gong mo had only said that as a joke. However, he felt embarrassed when he saw how serious mo Yichen was. have you had lunch?"

"I was just about to eat. And you?"

"I just finished eating."

"What did you eat?"

Gong mo began to list the dishes. After that, he asked, " "What did you eat?"

it's not as sumptuous as yours. I'll take a photo for you later.

"Alright ~"

Sheng nanxuan continued to ask about the child's condition. He hung up the phone after the meal arrived, took a picture of the food, and sent it over. What do you want to eat tonight? I'll make it for you when I come back.