Chapter 340-doubts come true

"You can't say that. It's better to earn money on your own. Otherwise, one day, you might get a divorce and be out of touch with society. How miserable would that be?" Gong mo said worriedly.

that's true. Tang Xinxin nodded in agreement. what are you talking about? " You're so happy now, don't curse yourself! Are you having postpartum depression?"

"No, I'm just planning ahead." Gong mo chuckled.

tsk! You should just be happy. Don't plan ahead!

As the two of them were joking around, mother Zhai came over and asked, Is nanxuan not coming back today? "

Gong mo took a look at the time. It was indeed much later than usual. "I'll give him a call," she said.

Tang Xinxin was stunned. Nanxuan? Sheng nanxuan?

"Give me a moment," Gong mo patted her shoulder.

Tang Xinxin looked at her in surprise and held her breath on the sofa with a pillow in her arms.

Roar! She was a little angry! Gong mo was so mean. He didn't even tell her that he was with Sheng nanxuan!