Can't let nanxuan know

"I'll do it myself," Gong mo said, " but you and Dean Yu can't tell my family about this. You can't tell my cousin, you can't tell my mom, and you can't tell my husband!"

what's wrong? " Yu Xinran was so frightened that she slammed on the brakes. She looked at her with a pale face. what's wrong? " Are you sick in the head?"

"I don't know. But if this continues, I'm going to lose my mind." Gong mo sighed. I think I have a problem with my memory, so I want to see a doctor.

"My uncle is an authority in the field of braindead. I'll take you to him!" Yu Xinran picked up her phone. I'll give him a call first.

"Thank you!" Gong mo heaved a sigh of relief. But remember, you must not let nanxuan know of this!"

"Why?" Yu Xinran asked timidly.

That was Sheng nanxuan! The night God! If she hid it from him and something went wrong, wouldn't the Yu family be buried with her?