Can you teach me?

Gong mo brought Yu Xinran into the nursery, where the child happened to be awake.

Gong mo hadn't seen him for a few hours and missed him so much that he immediately held him in his arms.

The child smelled her scent and wriggled his little head, looking for food.

"Are you hungry?" Gong mo couldn't help but laugh.

"Are you going to feed him?" Yu Xinran asked curiously.

Gong mo nodded.

"Then I'll leave for a while," Yu Xinran said, embarrassed.

"Why don't you stay here? I'll go back to my room," Gong mo said with a smile.

Yu Xinran was an unmarried girl, so she would definitely be embarrassed to see others feeding her milk. Gong mo was also embarrassed, but if the other party had also given birth to a child, she didn't dare to be unreasonable.